One of the greatest achievements you can ever make is to put a smile on someone’s face without expecting any favors in return. Even when you are in business, it is advisable to spare some time and commit yourself to community service. This will give you a sense of belonging and help you to improve your relations with the community. It is for this reason most of the iconic personalities you find out there are always committed to community development projects. Bebo Kobo- an Israeli businessman- is considered to be one of the most successful real estate investors in the world.
He is the owner of the popular Camden Market in London. This establishment hosts thousands of investors in London. The fact that the establishment is situated in the middle of London makes it a perfect platform for investors. It is therefore right to say that the market has changed peoples’ lives in so many ways. For instance, investors are able to get in touch with a large number of potential clients. Customers on the other hand are assured of getting their products and services without a hassle. Apart from that, Bebo kobo is one of the greatest donors at Western Wall Heritage Foundation.
The origin of this great monument
This foundation was established in 1988 by the Israeli government. Its main mandate was to excavate the lost Western Wall Tunnels. These tunnels have a lot of meaning to the people of Jerusalem, particularly the Jews. They remind them of their dark past when they were fighting with the Muslims. Jews around the world identified with this monument. They view it as the only remnant of their history. In order to improve the quality and sturdiness of the wall, the foundation requires a lot of support. Even though they get most of their funding from the government, they also receive donations from wishers. This has seen great personalities such as Bebo Kobo dedicate a lot of their time and resources to this cause. He has been assisting the institution with the ongoing projects. Since he is an experienced property development expert, he has been very influential in the development of new projects at the establishment.