US federal Government is one of the largest contributors
to producing the e-waste more than any consumers or companies. The Govt. has 3
million of employees all around the country departments excluded the military
and court employee, producing the 2.4 million ton of the electronic waste, which
is dumped into the landfills. It disposing all the printers, monitors, CPU’s,
Cell phones, Fridges, and several equipments and also the cleaning chemicals
into the soil and water supply, but our earth is capable to absorb all the
impurity. The govt. is serious to reduce the number and managing the recycling
the proper disposal of the e-goods. The General Service Administrative department,
which is responsible for buying all the equipments that employees need, has
proposed a new law, which will be seeing govt. proper operation in handling the
e-waste. If the rule is pass and became the law, so burning or throwing into
the landfills are not acceptable.
triplepundit says“Agencies will have to make every effort to offer
unwanted electronic equipment to other federal government offices. Failing
that, such products would then be donated to local and state governments,
schools, or non-profits. And in a move that will hardly make a dent in the
federal government’s debt but would still be a welcome gesture by those
irritated by government inefficiency and waste, government agencies would also
be allowed to sell equipment.”
The electronics, which is
not in good condition and cannot be reuse, will be sent to recyclers. The GSA will
only allow the dumped electronics sent to companies, certified by R2 and
e-stewards. These two corporations are the only authorized companies to recyclethe goods. In order to make some transparency
the GSA Said they will develop some policies to make companies to submit the
report of their work so far. All the data will be available at